15 Avenue des Américains - Golfe de Saint-Tropez, 83820, Le Rayol-Canadel sur Mer, France

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15 Avenue des Américains
Golfe de Saint
83820 Le Rayol-Canadel sur Mer

What do you know about ‘La Bravade de St.Tropez’ ?

On the occasion of ‘La Bravade de Saint-Tropez’, stay at the Hotel Le Bailli de Suffren. Your hotel in Rayol-Canadel is located not far from Saint-Tropez.

What is ‘La Bravade de Saint Tropez’ ? This is a unique moment for the inhabitants.


For over 450 years, people from Saint-Tropez celebrate, from May 16 to 18, their loyalty to their Saint Patron.


St. Torpes , the Dignitary of the house of Neron, in 68 after J.C., refused to recant Christianity. Beheaded and thrown out on a boat of the shore, it was discovered by a Roman matron and hidden by Christians who made this martyr the patron of the city.


The glorious military past of the city is also celebrated at La Bravade de Saint-Tropez. From the fifteenth century, the town was rebuilt, fortified and repopulated. Then, these new inhabitants had to defend the city, on which it was necessary to ensure night and day.


For 3 days, pop-guns, blunderbusses, powder and processions will pass through the streets of the old town. On Sunday, May 17, 2016, a solemn Mass will be followed by the general procession through the city. Dressed in ancient costumes, everyone will commit to their role.


Do not miss this unique event! You have to be there, smell the powder, feel the detonations and enjoy the ceremony.

Where to stay during ‘La Bravade de Saint Tropez’ ?

For the 454th edition of ‘La Bravade de Saint-Tropez’, stay at the 4-star Hotel Le Bailli de Suffren. Between crystal clear sea and lush vegetation, Le Bailli de Suffren offers necessary comfort for a dream holiday. At the foot of the hotel, dive into the turquoise waters of the Med or luxuriate in the heated pool. For even more relaxation, The Carita wellness area offers a parenthesis of happiness facing the Mediterranean.


The 4-star hotel offers three restaurants with different atmospheres: the refinement in Le Loup de Mer, a gourmet snack at La Piscinel or L’Escale, a chic brasserie on the beach.


Book your stay at Le Rayol-Canadel. By booking through our official website, you are guaranteed to get the best rates and special offers.

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